I have confessions. Many of them. In the past week, I’ve been overly obsessed with rowing. Now I haven’t been in a boat in 7 months and 26 days. The last time I sat in a boat, I was in my rowing prime and it was one of the best weekends in my life. (Actually I’m lying, I rowed in October at our Intersquads, but I don’t really think of that as competitively rowing, it was more fun than anything, but technically I was in a boat.)
So in the past 5 days I have erged twice, and I was erging pretty hard. Not like the lame “gym-rowers” who just wasting their time (in my opinion). Like serious good workouts. Granted I’m definitely not pulling the best numbers because again, haven’t been in a boat in 7 months and 26 days. I have started looking at the weight racks in the weight area again, thinking hey I could start lifting again. But lets be honest, I’ve just lost a decent amount of muscle and I finally don’t look like a man. So I really don’t think stacking on all that muscle mass again is good!

So I thought to myself: Well while I’m on here I should check out and see if there is anything else I “need”. Since I just finished my last book, I should see what books they have. Well, I’ll just search “rowing books”! Soooooo in doing that I found 3 (!!!!) books I wanted to buy. I’ve actually always wanted to read one rowing book so I found that one and then two others happened to jump into my cart! Oops.
So theses are the three books I got:
Mind Over Water

Drawn to the Rhythm: A Passionate Life Reclaimed

The Red Rose Crew: A True Story of Winning, Women and the Water

I know I know I’m pathetic and seriously need to come up with a new hobby. I just can’t let go of my true love: Rowingggggg!
Book Update: I just finished “The Wednesday Letters”. Great little love story! Its about three siblings that go back home to clean out their parents bed and breakfast house only to find that their dad wrote a letter to their mother once a week. There were some crazy family secrets exposed in the letters. So it made it very interesting. Also I just finished “I’m Not Myself These Days”. To sum up this hilarious effed up book, Its about an alcoholic drag queen living with his “male escort” boyfriend. Very enjoyable!!
Well I will continue to dream about all my previous rowing accomplishments and dwell over the fact that my glory days are over
There aren't many rowing blogs out there! I suspect I'm one of those pathetic gym rowers. I erg to console myself because I can no longer run 10K every day. I'm pushing 50, so I know a thing or two about how it feels to know your glory days are behind you. At this point, it isn't all bad. You make peace with who you are and your eyesight gets poorer as you start getting wrinkles ;)
The rowing books sound pretty interesting. I plan to spend my retirement reading, running and rowing (in a boat!)
I'm trying to make peace with it, but I feel as though its still all so fresh to me, especially since lots of my friends are still rowing! I hope to get more into running at time goes on, but I suppose dwelling on the past is the best I can do right now Thanks for your comment!! And I'm very jealous that you will be rowing in a boat!!!
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