Monday, March 30, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
wow i truly suck at blogging
Sunday, February 22, 2009
pants too short aren't ok!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
of course i traveled on the second busiest traveling day of the year
Sunday, February 8, 2009
when did shopping get stressful?

Thursday, February 5, 2009
how does a commercial become the center point of my post?
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
still failing the styrofoam cup at a time
Monday, January 26, 2009
Confessions of the Pathetic Retired Rower
I have confessions. Many of them. In the past week, I’ve been overly obsessed with rowing. Now I haven’t been in a boat in 7 months and 26 days. The last time I sat in a boat, I was in my rowing prime and it was one of the best weekends in my life. (Actually I’m lying, I rowed in October at our Intersquads, but I don’t really think of that as competitively rowing, it was more fun than anything, but technically I was in a boat.)
So in the past 5 days I have erged twice, and I was erging pretty hard. Not like the lame “gym-rowers” who just wasting their time (in my opinion). Like serious good workouts. Granted I’m definitely not pulling the best numbers because again, haven’t been in a boat in 7 months and 26 days. I have started looking at the weight racks in the weight area again, thinking hey I could start lifting again. But lets be honest, I’ve just lost a decent amount of muscle and I finally don’t look like a man. So I really don’t think stacking on all that muscle mass again is good!

So I thought to myself: Well while I’m on here I should check out and see if there is anything else I “need”. Since I just finished my last book, I should see what books they have. Well, I’ll just search “rowing books”! Soooooo in doing that I found 3 (!!!!) books I wanted to buy. I’ve actually always wanted to read one rowing book so I found that one and then two others happened to jump into my cart! Oops.
So theses are the three books I got:
Mind Over Water

Drawn to the Rhythm: A Passionate Life Reclaimed

The Red Rose Crew: A True Story of Winning, Women and the Water

I know I know I’m pathetic and seriously need to come up with a new hobby. I just can’t let go of my true love: Rowingggggg!
Book Update: I just finished “The Wednesday Letters”. Great little love story! Its about three siblings that go back home to clean out their parents bed and breakfast house only to find that their dad wrote a letter to their mother once a week. There were some crazy family secrets exposed in the letters. So it made it very interesting. Also I just finished “I’m Not Myself These Days”. To sum up this hilarious effed up book, Its about an alcoholic drag queen living with his “male escort” boyfriend. Very enjoyable!!
Well I will continue to dream about all my previous rowing accomplishments and dwell over the fact that my glory days are over
Sunday, January 25, 2009
So here’s a quick update that involves the last month of my life in where I felt the need to go missing. I had an amazing holiday season. I spent time at home between Christmas and New Years because I didn’t have work that week! I pretty much just didn’t nothing for the first few days while I was home. Then I had a 5 day Dandace reunion…which was AMAZING! We spent New Years in New York City. Thankfully we didn’t have to stand in the cold and watch the ball drop. We just watched it on TV! I rang in the new year with friends and lots of drinks! So 2009 should be good!
Now I’m officially into my 2009 routine. Working my two jobs and trying to have a life outside of that! HA! I feel as though there has been a new snow storm every weekend. Actually, every Sunday. I’m sick of this weather. And I desperately want to migrate south, with the birds!!
So far 2009 has been treating me well. My friends are amazing. My family has been supportive in all my crazy life decisions. And there’s that someone there to put a smile on my face, even if it’s with a simple text. With those two jobs come less of a social life, but a bigger pay check, so things should be interesting in the up coming months.
Yesterday I went to the Museum of Science. It was amazing. There was so much to see that I felt like I saw so much but struggled to remember it all. I even got to see an IMAX presentation of “The Greatest Places” Very Cool. There is a big 180 degree dome in which you feel as though you are “engulfed” in what is happening on the screen. I felt like I was actually watching at these locations. I definitely recommend to everyone and anyone to check out one of these IMAX films. It was my first and totally worth every penny!!!
But most of all I want to talk to YOU. I’ve been an awful blogger lately and there are always those of you that keep checking for a post. I’m sorry I will be better. I’ve just been so busy my blog has slipped my foolish mind. So I ask you to keep checking up. Don’t give up on my blog. I will be more consistent than last month. That I can promise.
I hope I haven’t let anyone down. Keep checking up. I will be better. Thank you for checking my blog. I appreciate your interest. I will continue to keep up with it!!!