And Even a Couple Vids (I know i'm getting Fancy!!):
Anyway besides my obsession with Trans-Siberian Orchestra, I had an interesting weekend to say the least. On Friday I spent over two extra hours at work to help set some stuff up and such. Then I came home and just hung out, staying late at work was enough for me. I didn’t do anything too exciting Friday night except for go to bed and watch some random TV. On Saturday though, oh Saturday. Tthe apartment was cleaned for a holiday party my sister and I had. Anddd ohhhh the holiday party. There was lots of wine and a nice headache and nap to follow on Sunday. It was a fabulous time though I do have to admit. It was a great time to spend time together and shoot the shit. And of course enjoy allllll the wine that we did! God I love the holidays!!
Today it was back to the grind of work! Boo.
This is the last full week of work until the holiday time! I can’t wait to spend time at home!! So the big New Years Eve plans are starting to take form and I’ve decided to go to the big apple for New Years. Not to watch the ball drop or anything, but to be with friends and in a big city where a lot will be going on. I’m very excited and I just can’t wait! If you’ve been reading my blog a lot, you will know that I miss spending time with my friends TONSSSS. So being able to spend New Years Eve (and weaves bday!) together! Really it should be a shit show….I can’t wait :-)
10 days til Christmas
14 days til a Dandace Reunion…