friday i went shopping.
and by shopping i mean i think i actually bought 3 things.
woah crazy shopping trip.
i went with the intentions to buy one item.
a case for my new fancy mac.
i have already managed to scratch it.
so this was becoming a necessity.
i wanted to make sure she was covered
and protected for the upcoming trip.
so my friend asked me to ask the mac peeps
if they will install memory on her computer that she
bought elsewhere.
so one of the geniusy guys walks up to me
and asks me if i need help.
and the conversation occurs as follows:
me: "actually i have a question for you"
mac dude: "what can i help you with ma'am"
(side note: when did i become a ma'am? wtf)
me: "i have an older mac version and i was wondering
if you would install memory for me that i bought somewhere else."
mac dude: "do you mean ram or giggabytes?"
(i think that was the other choice, really i have no clue)
my head thought:
oh shit i don't know,
what's the difference?
i must have been giving him the
weirdest look because the mac dude follows with:
"well are they two small disc looking things?"
again my head thought:
i have no freaking clue mac dude
me: "oh yeah thats what they look like."
mac dude: "well actually you can install it yourself"
at this point i just wanted to be like well actually,
i'm totally lying and i have no clue what your talking about.
but i was kind and just followed him to the mac.
he gave me a total tutorial of how to change ram.
in a computer i don't own.
for the ram i don't own.
and i'm not sure i ever got an actual answer.
after this i was so confused and just wanting to leave the store,
i walked out without my case,
only to have to go back a little while later to buy a case
for a totally different computer.
the guy was looking at me like i was a total idiot.
whatever mac dude, i have no clue what the hell ram even is.
next time i'll tell them right up front its not for me.
after about 10 minutes of feeling like an asshole,
i decided to continue my shopping "spree".
i went to nordstrom.
looked around at all the sweet clothes they had.
the ones i'm too stingy to buy.
then i saw a scarf
that i couldn't live without.
it had all sorts of bright annoying colors.
i fucking fell in love.
so after purchasing that,
i went to the shoe section,
just to look of course.
then i fell in love again.

ed hardy got my heart.
so i had to buy them.
but its ok i love them!
but damn you ed hardy.
then i had to have a drink because
that trip was so stressful.
(that shopping trips can go from
feeling like and asshole to falling
head over in heels in love...